Hello, octavian.george1234,
Thanks for contacting HCM. Your son is only 36 years young and he can
have a long productive life if he can completely quit drinking alcohol.
There have been previous studies done in patients who had alcoholic
cirrhosis , when they stooped drinking , they were able to live normal
life eventhough more than half of their
liver was damaged. One good
thing about liver, it can regenerate very well once the toxins are no
longer present and alcohol is one such toxin.
You asked about drugs and supplements.
I would recommend Vitamin Super B-Complex , Vit-C 1000 mg, and
Vit-E 800 i.u. daily. Along with a high protein diet , excercise, eating
fresh fruits and vegetables , nuts etc, his health will improve.
Gamma GT stays abnormal for a long time , but it will improve with time.
I wan your son to seek counseling and also AAA meetings.
I wish your son the very best.