Hi Pavan, thanks for writing to HCM.
Wrist drop occurs due to the injury of
radial nerve somewhere along its course down the arm.
If the radial
nerve injury is only NEUROPRAXIA (concussion of the nerve without any physical damage), it recovers FULLY.
If it is
AXONOTMESIS (injury to few fibres of the nerve), then it may recover but may not fully.
If is is
NEUROTMESIS (complete transection of the nerve), it will not recover unless repaired by surgical means.
NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES are needed to know the severity of injury.
The conservative management includes using a DYNAMIC COCKUP SPLINT and
PHYSIOTHERAPY to keep the muscle tendon units active.
If the conservative management fails, then TENDON TRANSFER surgeries may be indicated.
Hope this information is helpful. Good day