Hi. I had the nova sure ablation and a tubal ligation in June 2013. I had a difficult time with recovery, a lot of pain in lower left pelvic area, headaches, hair loss (clogging the shower drain), loss off appetite (10lbs lighter today), acne breakouts on face and back and overall feeling of being just not well. I saw gyn 2 wks post op, ultrasound showed free floating fluid in uterus an no explanation but got Percocet for pain. That next week I started my period, heavy, clotty but shorter than pre op. headaches and pelvic pain continue, got 2nd opinion...he did hormone blood work and thyroid lab...all ok, and wants me to start Zoloft, Xanax, and wait to see if symptoms subside, another appt in sept. I am not depressed or anxious, as I function well bit w a headache and pain everyday raising my daughter and juggling family and work (own 2 businesses) he also said need hysterectomy bc of previous diagnosis of adenomyosis...want to feel better or at least normal...another period 3 weeks after 1st with heavy, looks like red sand at bottom of toilet but bright red blood this time...this period 7 days, which is 3 days longer then first. Just want to feel better. Is hysterectomy only option? Prior DVD prevents me from taking any hormones....womp-wah!