I have has a dislocated disc for 14 years I have been through every EMT, therapist acupuncture , specialist and chiropractor out there. The dentist says I need some new mouthguard with some kind of bump in it.I have memory problems as a side effect from my jaw, also I have extremely low energy and do not socialize, because I am always tired. I know these are conditions that stem from my jaw because every once in a while I get this kind of euphoria like my jaw has released something or open up some blood flow or nerve to allow me to be happy. I know this sounds confusing, but thats the only way I can explain it. Could it be I have a pinched nerve or would arthosentisis help? My current specialized dentist does not think so and I know he does not understand about the memory problems I am having? How do I convince someone of these symptoms and who do I go see? No one gets it. Should I see a nerologist? Its frustrating. Could my jaw be obstructing something thats talking to my brain? Read more: TMJ Forum - Could My Dislocated Disc or Jaw be Pinching a Nerve? WWW.WWWW.WW