I have been running a daily low grade temperature (99.4 - 101) for over 9 months now. I have been to the Internist, Infectious Disease doc, Hematologist , Rheumatoid Arthritis doc (I do have RA in both hands, and both knees were just x-rayed), Neurologist. I was recently diagnosed with Tardive Dyskinesia , they thought I had Parkinson s but after three Neurologists (one at Johns Hopkins, and one at Thomas Jefferson, the first Neurologist s diagnosis of Parkinson s was overuled. Prior diseases and conditions I have are: Narcolpesy, Irritable Bowel , Insomnia , Barrett s Esophagus, GERD pre-diabetes, Anxiety and Depression, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, asthma and allergies, very very slight Atrial Septal Defect - they couldn t even find it on my last I have had L5/S1 disk issues causing serious pain in my lower back and sciatica in both legs, usually to my knees, and sometimes includes my feet. I also found out this year that I have bulging in my cervical spine from C3-C7. Plus the past 3 years I have had episodes that appear to be stroke-like but that 2 of the neurologists believe are being caused by Complex Migraines. I am especially interested to know what you think could be causing the fevers - everyone says it is the RA, but the RA doc doesn t think that it is causing the daily fevers. I would also like an opinion on the 3 spells I have had which have put me in the hospital. Each spell has been slightly different. All blood work has been negative (even for RA - but x-ray of hands showed RA). I have very slight anemia, rest of my blood work, other than being pre-diabetic in fine - HELP!!