Hi I am Akash,from INDIA,mam/sir I want to ask you if I have LLI(low latent inhibition).When I talk with someone I can tell how they are feeling,if they are lying by watching their facial expressions,I am currently doing my degree in game designing and programming.My teachers always tell me that I have out of the box thinking,they say that I have a creative mind ,I feel bad around a lot of people.a lot of noise makes me uncomfortable,while driving I think of every possible threat.same thing happens while crossing a road.on first day of my college they gave us a task to make a tower using newspapers and I designed a tower like a civil engineer.while every body else just made a dust bin and dug some rolled news papers into it in order to make it stand.I make my c++ programs faster than my teacher.he told me that I have a good logic.,you can ask any questions to diagnose me. sorry if my English is bad because in INDIA we don t use a lot of English.