My boyfriend shoved me down into the corner of our glass table and my lower back hit the corner of the iron frame really hard. This was 4 days nights ago (Friday), ever sense then I have had an extreme burning pain in my right hip almost constantly but always when I try to stand up from a chair, get out of bed, roll over to my right side when laying down, bend over, squat, turn in either direction even the slightest bit in my office swivel chair, run, step up onto stairs or try to shove even light weight objects. And randomly when I raise an arm up past breast level. Like I said almost constantly, the only time it doesn't burn is when I walk (slowly). I'm 26 and I've never been injured before except once when I hit my tailbone on a boat about 9 years ago which was awful but that just ached and bruised really bad. This has no bruising at all yet literally feels like somebody is setting my entire hip on fire, everything from the deep tissue to the joints and even the skin. When the burning pain hits it stays really intense for about 30 seconds to a minute each time but then the lingering feeling of a burn remains. Do u know what I did? Is this normal or did I maybe fracture something or pull a muscle or something?