Hello, the concerns are on urine like discharge pv and
back pain which radiates to the bladder area.
Like to know a) the duration of symptoms... if it started soon after the
Hysterectomy or later, were the ovaries also removed ?
b) are u able to hold the urge to pass urine, is there any dribbling on coughing or straining ?
c) did u get back pain before surgery also ?
The investigations would first be on the discharge per vaginum, a simple smear and local examination would tell us if it is urine or
vaginal discharge. Ususally the vaginal discharge could be the issue as a sequelae to infection. This can be easily treated.
A urine test to rule out urinary infection which can explain the back aceh as well. Easy to treat as well !!
The difficult bid is on urine dribbling ... which needs a specific exam and care, it can occur after hysterectomy so it is important to understand when it started.
Failing above one could plan an
Ultrasound to make sure the ovaries are ok and lastly an
X ray of the back to consider age related problems, especially
osteoporosis like conditions, and artheritis.