On saturday i overdid the weights at the gym. I always do my age in reps...so lifted 130 lbs with my legs 65 times..then decided to do it again. I was on green tea and moving like a maniac. Sunday, this time on green coffee, I moved huge house plants, moved the steam cleaner up and down steps and fell down wet carpet steps (just 2) while i was steam cleaning. I fell, hit m y lower back, fell back and hit the back of my head on the steps.
I was so proud of myself for not breaking (will be 65 in a couple of weeks)...so monday and tuesday i was sore as _ _ _ _ . took 6 advil a day. I was sure it was just the work out. since the sorest part was my butt muscles...I suffered waling up the steps. I thought if i had hurt my back, the pain would be more on my spine. anyway..more it is 3 days and seems the pain should be gone if it was from lifting too much...so just checking the web for signs an bruising etc.
thanks....rosemary chasey