Hello, I m Nola ~ I m 48 yrs., not pregnant & while shopping yesterday I developed a severe lower back pain, cramping like period pain in lower bowls or female area (not period), pain in between my legs. At this time I tried using the bathroom with no luck. So I tried to continue shopping & got water (I m abnormally thirsty) to drink, couldn t bear drinking because I started to get super weak, my face felt hot & flushed. My heart was throbbing so hard I could feel it in my neck & face (cheeks); even my arms became so very week I couldn t hold on to the shopping cart. The Manager & Pharmacist assisted me & wanted to call Paramedics, but I needed to get home to my daughters, so they wheeled me to my car. Now, upon arriving home I needed help once again & I went to bed....Woke-up this A.M. & still in great discomfort & very weak I tried to cook brunch for my girls but kept burning the food (I d like to think that this is rare for me)! After my attempt I had great sharp pains in my back & gut & then had diarrhea (just a little bit) & it was pink mucus & further into it, it had gotten a bit brighter & a little more red in color, no odor.....I was so weak & panting & my lower back was screaming in pain & my pelvic & lower right abdomen aches! As I ve been writing this; it seems after half a word to a few words I keep fallllllling asleeeeeep!!! Not liiiiike me at all.....And it s taken me a few hours to complete this note to you! Ridiculous! Thank you in advance & any thoughhhhhhts would be great! Sincerely, Nola Mumzeeeee