Hi, I had a hysterectomy in 2010 for multiple large uterine polyps and a 6cm cyst on Rt ovary highly suspicious of carcinoma . At time also had chronic inflammation of cervix . The cyst were benign at the time. I ve been experiencing lower pelvic pain for 2 months and last week noticed swollen lymph node rt side groin area. Went back to Doctor today had ultrasound it was 2.8cm and another node around it was large I hadnt notice. Waiting on insurance approve more Mri scan? I have no fever or other symptoms. No lab was done today to check for infection was told give it a month if still swollen would need to do biopsy. 8 family members currently with cancer, Breast, Vaginal, Ovarian, Cervical. All my first cousins. Should I wait on Biopsy and should we have done blood work? Even though no fever could this be simple infection?? Im just concerned because of family history. I am 34 yr old, never smoked 5 2 133lbs. Also seeing Rheumo for Multiple joint pain and fatigue