Dear friend, welcome to HCM!
Are the lumps at the knee and ear discoloured or have normal skin colour?
Do they move when moved sideways with fingers?
The blood in stools, pain should be evaluated for different bowel pathologies.
Was the blood fresh red or dark and blackish?
Did it appear after straining at stools?
I would advise an urgent evaluation with CBC, coagulation tests, Xray chest, RFTs,
endoscopy after a gastroenterology consult.
You would also need an USG abdomen and pelvis and/ or a
CT scan of the abdomen.
IBS, angiomata, tumours, clotting disorders can be the differentials.
Be advised by your doctor on the best course to be taken.
Take care and please keep me informed of your progress.
Good Luck!
I hope to have answered your query satisfactorily.
Thank you!