Hi, I m a 42 year old female, currently being treated for Late-stage Lyme disease with very little improvement. I ve been on Amoxicillin for 33 days and Doxycycline for 21 days...with another 7 days of each to go. I m also taking 1 multivitamin , 2 gingko, 2 acidophillus, 1 B complex, and 1 Aloe capsule daily. I started Samento (tincture) 5 drops 3x daily with water this past Thursday and since beginning the Samento, I ve had improvement in my symptoms of severe arthritis and neuritis, brain fog and general malaise . However, this past Monday, I discovered a lump in the flank area of my back, right side: it feels like it s in between or underneath my ribs. It is nonmovable and very hard and wasn t painful until yesterday, after having several doctors poke around at it. Unfortunately, I m military and in Honolulu, so even though an US was ordered, it will be weeks before they can get me in. Today, it is really tender and the pain is worse when I lean against anything (even the sofa). I feel like it is larger as well, but this could be my anxiety and the fact that it is so much more tender. I actually found it by accident, when I placed a pillow behind my lower back for support, I felt a little twinge of tenderness and reached back there. As the day progresses, I have even felt like my entire chest wall is getting sore. Could this warrant a visit to the ER or should I wait it out?