I have two problems which may or may not be related. 1.) For the last 15 months i have had a small, gulf ball size, boney lump in the mid section of my back. It does not move nor relieve pain when rubbed. I have psoriasis which i developed when i was only 12 years old and was first treated for arthoritus when i was 18, currently untreated due to income. The pain has grown so bad that it is now traveling down my left buttocks and knee throbs, to the point of staying in bed often and unable to stand nor straighten out my body when i first wake up. 2.) The past 9 months but seem to become more extreme the past two months is more of a sickness type pain which comes with a beefy list. -Sweating always, even more so when i sleep, i wake up in a puddle with wet clothes and bed sheets every night even when its 60 degrees in my home. - lost of weight, it flexes from 79-95 in amatter of a week or so, and extreme hunger and thirst, then feeling like im going to throw up when im finished. And never satisfided. -Blur vision, to the point i havent driven in 2 wks, and survier eye pain. (Often cold rag on my eyes tends to relieve the pain only while in used) -Whole body aches and pressure headachs from ears forward that dont let up. -The past 2 weeks to seem to be in the bathroom peeing every 10 minutes or so, a large amount of pee even when i havent drank alot of fluides. Pee seems to be strong dark and in large amounts. -Septic fumes traveling up my throat into my mouth with hardly any relief. -Ringing in ears every once in a while the past few days mainly left side and loudly. - a few times these have even came along with a bad fever over night but doesnt last long. -2 months ago was tge first time my first three finger on both hands but worse on my left went numb. Feet are the same but travels past my anchels. -I have a long history of kidney infections and uti. -Sometimes my neck is stiff but that maybe from being in the bed all the time -right before my current spell of all these symptoms i had the biggest flare up of psoriasis patches i have ever have, almost over night, which now covers 80% of my chest, stomach, hips, back and but. Traveling up my neck. - and to top it all off i am loosing my hair i believe is due to lack of food in fear of getting sick. I have these spells for over 9 months on and off but this current one seems to have taken over my life, its been 2 weeks since ive left my room, bed due to the survier symptoms. I am 30 years old, have 2 kids 5 1 and about 80-95 lbs depending on the week but lately its been on the lown side. I done eat meat or animal by products my whole life. I have went to the dr and er and the dr didnt even look at me. He proscribed me prozac and sent me on my way writing it off as depression pain, i have had depression aches before andi assure you this goes way beyond that but cant seem to get anyone to help. I am begging for help and answers cause i am a single mom and i am all my tots have. This is no way to live. I hope maybe this is enough info to send me in the proper direction so my children can have their active mommy back. I feel like im going to die. Please help guide me on the right path back to the person i not so long ago once was. -Audra leigh Osborn From Sanford florida