I ve had a lump feeling in the middle of my throat for over 5 months now. Its as if it is a giant mucous ball. I feel as if I always have to cough it up. Every day. And I do. Or I can t talk or breathe correctly. At least once a week sometimes more, bright red blood is in my mucous. And not after I have been coughing a lot or anything. Like sometimes it s first thing in the morning. It s not a ton, but it s there. I can always taste blood in my mouth or throat. I have been to the hospital and doctor and ENT for numerous things lately, & have mentioned this to them all. For the bleeding do thy need I scope my throat? If its cancer how would I fin out? Would blood tests show any kind of cancer indication as in if u have it anywhere in the body? Or do I need an ultrasound of my throat? I had my tonsils out about 6 months ago too but ENT said it shouldn t be from that. Also was tests for sleep apnea one week ago, do not have it.