Husband has lung cancer, not dx'd yet, but: He had a MRI, results follow:
emphasyma, COPD; Extensive pleural and parenchymal disease noted in left hemithorax, with a cavitating lesion (A 2.5 mm) along the lateral aspect of left interlobar fissure. Findings suspicious for granulomatous disease such as reactivation tuberculosis, although there is only minimal nodularity along the bronchovascular bundles in the left lung.
Mild mediastinal adenopathy. Interstitial disease in right lung.
Ground-glass opacities noted superior segment lower left lobe, suspicious of granulomatous disease such as reactivation tuberculosis. (both of us have to undergo the TB test Monday).Smoker for 45 yrs and still is. He is 63 and has Rheumatoid arthritis, and severe coronary artery disease with a stent in heart.
There are more tests for him.
Now, I suspect small cell squamous cell carcinoma in the lung. Not a good prognosis. He feels OK. Has a cough.
Thanks, mimi