MRI report shows a non displaced horizontal fracture involving the posterior aspect of the lateral tibial plateau...The fracture extends from the posterior cortex into the mid portion of the tibial plateau. The linear low signal T1 fracture measures approx 2.5 cm in AP dimension with marked adjacent marrow edema in the lateral tibial plateau extending to the midline.
This happened when my leg slipped and twisted when I slipped in the snow.
The report said there was no damage to the ACL but the lateral meniscus demonstrated focal blunting with increased signal along the body of the lateral meniscus. This is consistent with free edge tearing with possible small free edge tear.
There is small joint effusion. High grade articular cartilage loss involves the lateral facet of patella and the patella apex with minimal subarticular cystic change. There is no significant Bakers cyst.
In a nutshell. I slipped in the snow and it felt like someone hit my knee with a sledgehammer. I went to the dr in the afternoon, as I could barely put any pressure on the knee. He did xrays and thought it was just a knee sprain and put me in a knee brace.. I went back to work 5 days later.. I worked one day, then was off 3 more. I worked one day and was in agony and told my boss I cant work. I went back to the dr 2 days later because it was the weekend, and he immediately put me on crutches and non weighbearing pending the MRI.
So- I walked on the leg for about a week roughly, not knowing then what we found out about the fracture, and now there is a depression of bone, and my dr has ordered a CT scan to determine the exact depth. I have been on non weight bearing since March 16th and using crutches.
I have been having some pain, I call it bee stings or needle jabs in the front along the bottom of my knee. The only relief is icing that spot and taking naproxen. It comes and goes, here and there. It is not consistent pain.
The dr indicated it might be nerve damage that could be relieved with therapy whenever that happens. So my question is, Just a little laymens terms about the MRI, what is T1 and the depression and the bee stinging feeling, which my dr also called burning feeling, but it feels like a hundred needle jabs to me.