My 14yr old daughter is Leidens Factor V mutation positive, opposing that, her blood that is not clotting has no granules surrounding the platelets. This in and of itself has been a balancing act, thankfully, I took her to a GYN whrn puberty wrecked havoc with her bleeding. He did a Mirena implant and all has seem well. 2 months ago she began having headaches, sever, and daily. Our family doctor did urine and blood tests, said he couldn't find anything gave her a migraine prescription, and we should just give it a few weeks. After a few weeks of no change I called her GYN and asked if this could be due to the Mirena. He had her come in, ran a CT scan, and then ordered an MRI when the scan came back showing "something," (the MRI tech said he believed the CT scan showed that the sack that contains the spinal fluid in the brain was enlarged and that was why the MRI was necessary.) The GYN called today with the results of the MRI and said my daughter is missing her septum pellucidum. My daughter has metabolic disorders, her body does not burn natural sugars, it stores them as fat. Are these types of problems connected to the missing septum pellucidum? She has no vision problem, is a 4.0 gpa student, and although she is somewhat clumsy and uncoordinated, she does not have any developmental problems. Is a missing septum pellucidum a serious issue?