Hello Shejal,
Melanin is the pigment which determines the skin color. An increase in the production of these pigments or concentration in a particular area, reflects in the form of brownish areas on the nose, cheeks,
upper lip, forehead .
This increase in the pigmentation can happen under the influence of hormones, in females who take
contraceptive pills, underlying thyroid disorders or rarely due to allergic reactions to cosmetics or certain medications.
Also Post Inflammatory Hyper pigmentation following any kind of skin conditions like acne, eczema etc., can also be mistaken for
melasma. Actinic
lichen planus also needs to be ruled out for which a detailed history is required .
It is very important to identify the cause of the pigmentation in order to treat as the scope of treatment depends on the diagnosis.
Hence it would be helpful, if you visit a
dermatologist and get the diagnosis, after which
homeopathy can be started .
In the meanwhile-
1) Avoid going out in the sun during the afternoons
2) Use a sunscreen, every time you leave the house.
3) Use adequate protection like sun glasses, scarf etc., when going out
4)Rule out any other symptoms, if any
Hence it is not necessary that the hyper pigmentation is always due to
hormonal imbalance. Depending on the cause, the treatment and the results would vary.