My fiance has always been a very easily stressed and get s headaches often. Recently withing the past month and a half, we felt what seemed like a crack in the middle of his skull on his forehead . He didn t feel any pain from it initially, and then suddenly it progressed very quickly into being painful to touch and always sore. Now, a month into finding it, he s already seen a doctor and called in a neurologist , but hasn t seen them yet or gotten a scan. He s now experiencing memory loss , severe and constant headaches and pain mainly concentrated from the center of his forehead where the crack is all over the left side of his head, neck, back and shoulder pain, perpetual fatigue , difficulty concentrating, fuzzy thinking process, exhaustion (because the pain keeps him awake constantly) and some other things. I was just wondering if there were maybe any suggestions for what he might be going through, before we get him back to the doctor to get a few scans. Thank you!