Hi Debraecho80.
Thanks for your question.
You have
microcytic hypochromic anemia that means you have
iron deficiency anemia and fatigue due to this anemia.Now about the leg swelling it may be effect of some drug that you take everyday but you don't mention any of this drug,some female have bilateral pedal edema without any causer called Idiopathic pedal edema, but another cause is that
heart failure if anemia persist for long then it predisposes to heart failure and shortness of breadth and pedal oedema both due to this heart failure.So please do a urgent ECG & ECHO with colour doppler to know
ejection fraction if if more than 60-65% then there is no heart failure.Also examine your routine blood count,TSH,STOOL FOR ROUTINE SERUM IRON PROFILE,PERIPHERAL BLOOD SMEAR,IF FAMILY HISTORY POSITIVE THEN A HB
BONE MARROW all this should be done to know the cause of anemia and after that go to your physician and a cardiologist with ECG AND ECHO report and go according to their advise.
Regarding back pain nothing to be worried,it is common in Indian woman,take rest for 2 weeks,exercise,
physiotherapy,NSAID OINTMENT apply locally and if needed some oral NSAID and if pain persist after that do a xray of L-S spine and consult a orthopedics.
Best Wishes,
Dr Sourav Ganguly