Thanks for the query.
If a woman with similar complaints walks into my clinic, I first get a
pregnancy test done as the commonest cause of no periods after stopping pills is pregnancy. If the test is negative than the period must ideally have started within the next seven days of stopping the pill. However it takes up to 3 months for some women to resume a normal menstrual pattern after stopping the pill.
With a negative
pregnancy tests you have the following options:
1. Wait until the period returns by itself for maximum 3 months and use another method like condoms till then.
2. Since it is now five weeks, take a
progesterone like medroxyprogesteron twice a day for 3 days and then wait for the period. If it returns, then start the pills as you did previously.
3. If you want to start the pills now:
If you start a new pack now, the cycle will be delayed for another month. From the medical point of view this is not much of an issue. Protection will begin 7-10 days after the first day of starting the pill.
I hope this will help you to clear your doubts.
Thanks and have a nice day.