one month ago, I went to the doctor for lower left abdominal pain and brown spotting. They did a urine test for pregnancy and uti . Both came back negative and they told me it was probably ovulation pain. The pain persisted and spotting continued. I was nauseous for about 2 weeks and my appetite decreased during that time. I missed my period in November and did have one clot one day. It was not a blood clot though, it was brown and white and only happened that one time. Since then, pain has been a dull ache. I have spotting first thing in the morning several mornings. It was red once, but normally is either light pink or it is dark brown only when I wipe. I cannot get into the doctor until the 24th, so I really don t know what to do and am worried something might be wrong. I have since taken two more at- home pregnancy tests weeks apart and both were negative.