I am a 21 year old female who is over weight. For the past two months at least i have been waking up in the morning, it use to be between 5:30 am and 7:30 am but now im up as early as 4am. sometimes earlier. It doesn t matter what time I go to bed. Whether it is 8pm or after midnight, I am up around these times. I wake up feeling very nauseous and begin vomiting. Now I dont always throw up but I think it happens more often than not. I have tried changing my diet and I even stopped eating after 8pm. However, I still get sick. When I was younger I had acid reflux and before I went to school in the mornings a few times a week I d get really sick. This however is completely different feeling. I feel this way every morning plus the sleeping thing. Depending on when I last ate and what time i do wake up, there may or may not be food in my stomach. If there is and I am vomiting, then i throw up until there is nothing left and begin to dry heave. its to the point where i sometimes will be throwing up so violently i start to choke bc i cant stop to take a breath . other days when nothing is in my stomach i gag and throw up spit and stomach acid. Now I m not sure if its something I ate the night before but somtimes when the vomit clears out or is a light color depending on the food, I see brown patches. Could that be blood or just something I ate or drink. I started a food diary, i logged everything I ate and did i even began eating 6 tiny meals a day and watched my calorie intake. I also tried to increase my protein intake in the mornings and/or at night to help boost my metabolism . I feel sick all morning till about 8 am. or if on a very rare occasion if i wake up after 8 am i really dont feel sick. since i feel better after 8 I go from extremely sick to beyond starving. its the same every morning whether i throw up or not. Upset stomach , sometimes diarrhea , nausea till 8ish then starving after. I ll drink a protein shake if i dont think my stomach can handle foods, then i go about my day, go to bed around 9:30pm most nights, and wake up and do it all over again.