I have a lump on the right side of my neck. After research, I have identified it as being where the anterior lymph nodes are. It is near the top of the neck, closer to the submandibular area than the clavicle. It is oval-shaped, has a rubbery texture and is slightly movable when prodded. I'd say it's 1cm x 2cm, and it only can be moved towards the muscle. However, it has been there for about 2 months and a half (that I know of) and I do not think it has changed in size or texture. I am overwhelmed by anxiety and have been palpating it constantly for the whole time I have been aware of it. I am pretty much panicking and I am seeking advice. I would like to know what is the likelihood of it being Lymphoma (because that is what Google is telling me) or if this is the result of an infection or what else. Also, if I decide to go see a doctor, should I go to the hospital, to a general practician, the ER..? Where should I go to get this lump properly checked?