Hi, I have been having multipule symptoms over the last 10 weeks. I am male and around 5 weeks after receiving oral sex(unprotected) I had sore testicles. After 2 weeks this moved to my lower abdomen then to under my rib cage and lower back. I have also a tingling sensation in my urethera and the skin on my penis glan has tiny red spots which have been there for the 10 weeks. I have tested negative for Chlamydia, Gonnorhea, NSU, Trich, Hepatitis, HIV. My doctor says it is not sexually related so I went to GP who gave me 4 week course of anti-biotics. I completed the course 2 weeks ago and still have same symptoms. The pain moves around my stomach and I also get a rawness in my anus. Is there any other tests you would advise for these sympyoms as I do not want to pass this on to anyone but I do not know what to get tested for.