Hello Doctor, I am a 22 yr very skinny guy with the weight of 49 kg. I live in New Delhi, India and am a CA student presently in a training period. 2nd last Sunday I have caught by Mumps . I have not treated it for a week but after a week it causes me serious cold and cough, fever along with serious headache . I went to a local clinic they have tested for thyroid and digital x-ray of chest (pa) but as always nothing were found. The doctor told me that it is general deficiency. It was the present story. Please listen my problem from childhood to present. I oftentimes suffered this type of cough and cold many times with fever. It forces me to take a long breathe after every 5-10 seconds during coughing. My papa says I hadn t been relaxed till hadn t been given a taxin injection . It was happening 1-3 times a year from 3-4 yrs till 15 yrs old which I observed that it is caused by many times environmental changes or anything cold, sweet or sour food or fruits. I also always suffer with gastric problem. 7 years ago I also suffered with Jaundice . From last 2-3 years I urinate yellow pee in the morning. And from last 2 yrs in normal days I throw yellow cough in the morning. I never been a healthy person, always under weighted and 2-3 months of the year passing only in health problem. Please advice me what specific medical treatment which I take. Dietary advice with timing is also strongly recommended.