My 32-y.o. daughter has a hx of long-term dysthymia with periodic episodes of MDD. She is currently receiving therapy, both talk and EMDR. She has been taking bupropion, was recently re-prescribed sertraline, which she really dislikes due to severity of sx's: I had to call 911 while on extended visit to support her due to her expression of suicidal ideation. She previously benefited from DBT tx but is now tired of meds and therapy and of feeling down. Her depression is also very much situational currently as she completed MFA in film in May but, due to lack of support and mentoring from faculty, has been unable to find a job (in any field.) This was coupled with bad ending of important relationship. In other words, she has some reason to be depressed right now but I am worried that sx's cumulative and that she is getting tired of fighting this. (I am LCSW recently retired from CPS so have somewhat more knowledge than average parent.) Thank you.