My 6-year-old lab was lethargic on tuesday, went to the vet because she needed her heartworm and other shots. When she got to the vet she was very peppy and acted fine. They checked her over and found nothing wrong; so, gave her the shots. They also ran blood work on her liver, kidney and nothing showed up. Wednesday she went on a 3-mile walk with me but didn't eat right away when she came back, and starting acting more slow. She almost closes her eyes and acts almost depressed. By Thursday, took her back to the vet, she hadn't eaten at all that morning. They kept her, sedated her and run more tests. They said her white blood cell count was up ever so slightly but said it could be from stress. They gave me pain medicine to give her every 8 hours. I gave to her Thursday at 2 PM and Thursday evening she was a little more peppy and ate, but on Friday her energy is way down, has not eaten except for some chicken I hand feed her. Her eyes are almost bloodshot. Very worried.