My 74 year old husband is on crestor and welchol for high cholesterol, omeprazole, finasteride, clopidogrel, sertraline, and ondansetron. He feels tired, weak, does not have very much strength or endurance. Occasionally complains about shortness of breath and sometimes his legs feel rubbery(today he said they felt rubbery below the knees. Occasionally has headaches which sometimes go up the side of his head. His doctor did a blood test which seem to rule out the crestor & welchol. He has seen an neurologist who ordered more blood test which were negative and an MRI. The hospital called and said nothing to worry about but he does have a small tumor in his brain. We do not see the neurologist till June.
I am concerned about this tiredness, weakness, etc. could this be something do to with his heart? He has a family history of heart problems.