My 9 month old daughter still has reflux issues. My pediatrician put her on Rantidine and called it a day. Her spit up was really bad, however she is gaining weight, so there was no concern. It has gotten better now that she eats mostly solids and less formula. I asked about going to soy, but they seemed not too keen on the idea. She is a terrible sleeper as well. My 2 year old son is a fantastic sleeper (they let on like I don't let her self soothe or rush to her too quickly). I have tried everything, but she fights sleep and once she does go to sleep, she can't keep her legs still and relax and stay asleep. Also, bonus question, why has my at month old son that always puts himself to sleep now freak out completely when presented with the idea of going to bed. He loved going night night last week.
Thank you!