My 9-year-old son has been taking Aderall 25 mg XR for 2 years. About 5 months ago he started getting frequent nosebleeds. When I stopped giving him the Aderall (since it was summer and school was out) his nosebleeds stopped. He had the Aderall periodically throughout summer, and nosebleeds seemed to follow. Now school is back in so we're on Aderall daily. His last nosebleed (this past week, second day of school) started while he was sleeping soundly in the early morning hours. There was a lot of blood before he woke up soaked in it and got it stopped. I stopped the Aderall for the long Labor Day weekend - no more nosebleeds. Today he's back in school and on Aderall after the long weekend. I may be wrong, but I'm almost convinced the Aderall is causing his nosebleeds. Do you know if nosebleeds are brought on by Aderall? If so, what can be done? He benefits greatly from this drug. However the amount of blood, especially when it starts while he's sound asleep, is quite alarming.. Thank you