My daughter is almost 19 y.o. She is adopted so we don't her health history. She has complainted of diuzziness for at least 2 years now, sometimes asc. with feeling sick to her stomach. she was involved in a school bus accident 2-3 yrs ago and had some neck alignment issues for which she sees the choropractor. She is now off to college. On 9/16 she went to use the BR 2 5:15pm just before dinner and the neck thing she knows is waking up on the BR floor at 3:15 am. Her roomate was not there. She felt very tired the next day. On 9/25 around dinner time she was standing in her dorm room talking, then "passed out and had a seizure acc. to her roommate. Went to ER, labs and CT of head and neck normal. On 9/27 she was sitting on the floor talking to friends, got a blank stare on her face, passed out and had a seizure acc. to witnesses. Went to ER again, did lab, all mormal. She has been referred to a neurologist but no appt yet. Had an EEG Aug 5, normal. Saw a neurosurgeon and had MRI Feb 2016, no diagnosis. Had an incident this past June while in a car on way home from working at a camp where she suddenly slumped over and teacher said it was hard to wake ker up. Similar incident last fall Sept 2015 while on way home from school field trip to Silver Dollar City "went to sleep?" abruptly and had a hard time getting aroused so teacher called 911. Nurse practitioner at ER thought she was just tired, ?dehydrated and hungry. She takes Zoloft 50 mg for PTSD related to some car accidents in the past, as a passenger, and subsequently, anxious about getting her driver's license. Thank you