My father is of 55 years of age. he is having a 25 years history of recurring loose motion problem once in four/ five months, sometime with constipation . For other time he had totally a normal digestion with any food including milk, wheat, non-veg etc. Whenever he got loose motion problem, it took 6-7 months to normalise, he was given tinidazole+ norfloxacin, digestive enzymes, antacids etc. and he used to be o.k. But, this time he is suffering alternative problem of constipation & loose motion for the last 9 months and GERD . 4 months back he had undergone checkups like, sonography, barium meal test,, thyroid test, blood sugar, 3 times stool test. all test were normal except in barium meal test where some infections were found in his intestine. he was given rifaximine, colospa and one medicine on psyllium husk for 10 days and felt better, however again constipation/ loose motion occur. then he underwent colonscopy and TB test of ilieum. colonscopy shows non-specific proctitis and nothing else, whereas TB test was normal. He has then diagnose with IBS. the doctor said he has no disease. the doctor put him on colospa and one powder of psyllium husk. But even after 4 months has lapsed, he has not improved. for the last 3 days he is having loose motion. i am very tense, as i have read that there is no cure of IBS. But i don t believe. My whole family is in total trauma, my father s job is in jeopardy, let alone his social life. i am feeling very helpless. Please tell me any treatment in any of the medical science , i will be highly obliged for your kind act.