My husband had 7 teeth extracted 2 weeks ago yesterday all uppers and a denture was placed at the time for him to use. He over did it after seeing his dentist the next day. By the weekend, he had done his full exercise routine, and played 6 holes of golf before coming in a week ago this past Sat stating that he felt awful. I cooled him down and hydrated him. He stayed quiet over the weekend and most of last week. We saw the dentist again this past Thursday, ran errands and even ate lunch out. We were home maybe 15 minutes when he felt like he needed to see a Dr. He was dx with mild sinusitis and given amoxicillian 875 mg bid x 7 days. White count was normal. He continues to c/o ha that occur usually in the mid to late afternoon, blurred vision at times and body aches. He was given 3 doxyclines to take for the surgery but was not placed on antibiotics after it. He also has had some tacycardia and his systole has run btw 140-150. His p is generally in the 45-60 range but last night it was 111. We have just seen our cardiologist for a yearly appt and he was fine. Am at a loss as to whether he needs to see the cardiologist again, go back to GP, or opthalmologist. I will also say that he is treated for hypothyroidism and hypercholestremia and all of that is in check and within the ranges it should be. He takes 50 mg of lorsartan daily for his bp as well and 2 pills of alleve bid and 1 baby asa. What do I need to do to help him. He is a very active person and not use to this ongoing type of ailment. His labs looked great when they were drawn this past Thurs.