My husband has a stroke from a brain bleed, which he died from. His arteries would clear,never had high blood pressure,and never had a heart attack or stroke! But he was on Coumadin for AFib. In the past 3-4 months,his blood levels could not stabilize and it would fluctuate back and forth. He always went in for regular blood testing,but the doctor had to alternate with 5 mg for 5 days and on two days he took 2.5mg in order to stabilize the blood levels. He didn't eat foods that he shouldn't eat,didn't take medicines that would not mix with the Coumadin,but he did drink too much wine and beer,and fell a lot on his head and other places. About 3 weeks before he died of this blood brain stroke,I noticed he had a very large bruise on his back-it almost appeared that he was bleeding a lot under his skin and also one of his hands was badly swollen and appeared to bleeding under the skin. Also the blood levels were checked with a meter,and sometimes it appeared that his blood was thick when he was pricked,but showed up as thin. Do you think this bleeding under the skin was a warning that his brain was about to bleed massively. When he was taken to the hospital,his blood was dramatically. So what caused this-was it due to drinking too much wine?