My husband is displaying behavior that I'm worried about. He always thinks I'm with someone when hes gone, he says he hears laughing or someone else in the back ground when he calls me. he is always asking me "what did you say" when Ive said nothing. He thinks Ive taken things out of the house, broken into his storage and his van and taken things put them online to sell or given stuff to my daughter. He thinks the neighbors got into his van at night and emptied his Tide detergent and filled t with water. said some of the clothes he washed Sunday that he put in his van are gone along with some change. Has been spending hours n a website Ive never even heard of looking at jewelry saying its mine and I'm selling it. Will get out of the shower and quietly look a0rund the corner & watch what I'm doing. Thinks when I'm on the laptop I close stuff out when he gets up as if I'm looking at something I don't want him to see. I cut my hair when he was gone one day and he accused me of having a guy over to cut his hair ad that it wasn't my hair in the sink. We have been separated for a couple months but this week he spent at home being more attentive then he ever has then during the day today he text me again about the online jewelry thing and about his stuff missing, and said he is tired of my lying and were not going to be together anymore because I wont just tell him the truth and, he swears I am somehow involved with all his stuff that's gone missing didn't come home tonight, and jut one more thing because this is just a tip of the iceberg, he came home night before last and began sobbing saying his stuff was missing out of his van. He will constantly look out the window when hes here to look at his van always saying "whos in my van? Said he felt like he is going crazy and that I'm doing it to him. l am very concerned and don't understand whats happening to him please help me