My husband is taking Clopidogrel for plateletes. In the past 2 weeks, he has a swelling in his side that has doctors stumped. All CT tests and x-rays and blood work show a perfectly normal body, but then where did this football sized lump come from? He started taking Clopidogrel November of 2015 and has several symptoms of the side effects but the ER doctors have not changed his medication nor asked him to stop.
Symptoms: swelling, pain in general,headache (sudden, severe), nausea,stomach pain (severe), weakness (sudden), abdominal swelling, back pain, dizziness especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position, lower back pain, pale color of skin,sweating,unusual tiredness or weakness, loss of appetite pains in stomach radiating to back! PLEASE HELP US DETERMINE if something should show on scans or in blood work and can you tell us what this is if not from the symptom side effects of Plavix????