My left eye was a little small for a couple of days. When i was travelling by bus, i suddenly felt hardening of my eye in the orbit. Within half an hour the eye began to swell up which spread to the entire left side of the face causing my eye to close completely. There was no pain or discomfort, I could see clearly on forcing my eyelid open. I went to an ophtalmologist and he gave me FML Neo eye drops, the face and the eye swelling came down, the upper part of the eye at the orbit was still swollen, on touching that area the doctor found the presence of a lump at the orbit which was hard and about the size of an orange seed. I was taken for an MRI suspecting it to be osteoma, but the reports came back as inflammatory edema/pseudotumor as the lump was far away from the bones in the eye. I was prescribed steroids (40 mg per day) for a week. With that, the swelling completely subsided and the lump has reduced in size. Now I am on a dosage of 30 mg per day for 2 weeks, but and the lump has further reduced in size. I want to know, what exactly caused this problem? Is it a problem if the lump remains there? And is it ok if i stop taking steroids as I am worried about the long term side effects of them?