Did you have a family history of
heart disease or high cholesterol?
The causes of heart attacks among patients aged less
than 45 can be divided into four groups: (1) atheromatous
artery disease; (2) non-atheromatous coronary
artery disease; (2) hyper-coagulable states; (4) MI related to substance misuse.The clinical presentation of acute heart attacks in young adults differs from their older counterparts.You may make the following lifestyle modifications too like , Do not smoke,Eat a healthy diet,Reduce cholesterol, Maintain a healthy weight, Alleviate
stress,Drink moderately, if at all,Decrease
high blood pressure,Manage (or avoid)
diabetes .You need regular followup too...Vitamins like niacin and omega 3 fatty acids
should be considered in special situations like hypertriglyceridaemia
and low HDL concentrations. B-complex vitamins are useful in patients with hyperhomocysteinaemia.
Heart attacks in younger patients does carry a better prognosis if appropriately treated.Lifestyle changes play an important part in the management of these patients