My mom is suffering through LPR (very dry throat, weak vocal chords, globus sensation). We've tried everything to manage it from losing weight (113 lb), a bland diet, non acidic foods, no sweets, no caffeine, no glutten, no oily foods, no alcohol, an elevated bed rest, drinking alkaline water, gargling baking soda, frequent and small meals, eating slowly, no eating or drinking 2 hours after bed, no smoking, no tight clothing, and no mints. PPI's didn't work either. These symptoms have been happening for 3 months now.
She's also having trouble with bowel movements but laxatives like miralax and magnesium really upset her stomach; we have no idea why her stomach so sensitive. Eating high fiber foods doesn't seem to help either. She also has trouble sleeping at night, but fears melatonin will give her cancer like it did for her sister.
I don't know what to do anymore. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Thank you.