My mother is 94 and had " few" strokes a month ago. they found she had a clot that ended up damaging the right side of her brain.the evidence was some involuntary movements on both sides of her body , her mouth and some labored speech. She returned home with precriptions of omerprozole, apixaban ( I guess that is generic eliquis?) and atorvastatin, whcih the doctor said was generic lipitor.
last week the in-house nurse where she is in assisted living noticed some involuntary movements on the left side of her body only; she is not aware of them. She went to hospital- the Newton-Wellesley, where they did two MRIs- wit and without contrast- a CT-scan and maybe ( but I am not sure) an x-ray.they couldn't find any reason for the sudden change. when I gotthere, I asked the hospitalist if the movements might come from a reaction to individual drugs or the combination. He wasn't sure, so for now the answer is no...and he has n other answer. Could the movement come as drug reaction, one-sided parkinsons? he main reason, or a reason to find to know wha tto do to help her...not getworse? or not develop other negative symptoms.