My my dad is 78 yo Italian with Lyme disease, thalassemia, iron overload, niddm, prostatectomy r/t cancer, bladder sling, adult hypothyroidism and occasional gout. He has experienced at least 4 times in the last 3 months sudden spiked temp (over 102), spiked BP (>200/>100), racing pulse (>100 whereas norm is <60), elevated blood sugar and uncontrollable shakes. He has gone to ER at MD request but nothing found. CT scans, MRIs, neurologist and generalist have found nothing but the start of brain deterioration. Infectious disease MD found mild diverticulitis. 2 days ago he felt feverish and lightheaded, went to hold on to his truck and ended up falling backwards hitting his head requiring 9 staples. Is this related to any of his above mentioned diagnoses? Sounds like thyroid storm or hyperreflexia. But he's on synthroid and does not have spinal damage (to his knowledge). I want him to see a Lyme specialist. Thoughts? I DO NOT WISH TO RECEIVE A LIST OF 99 POSSIBILITIES (WebMD). I am a registered nurse and can do my own research. I am looking for an experienced diagnostician with an intelligent theory (Dr. Gregory House; yes, I know he's not real)