My name is Beth and I have had chronic hereditary pancreatitis for 17yrs, I also have many other issues but they're all chronic and hereditary. My question is can you have autoimmune pancreatitis without your amylase and lipase going over normal limits ? My enzymes only went over normal in the past six yrs when I was pregnant, I had to spend in the straight in hospital while pregnant with my 5yr old and 6 of those myths was spent being NPO and on TPN , also I developed a odd blood clotting disorder which they can't be identified, and prior to my pregnancy I'd never had a blood disorder. I guess I'm wanting to know if my pancreatitis has the capability to turn into the autoimmune type of pancreatitis after 17yrs? Also I wanted to know if you can have pancreatitis symptoms without your amylase and lipase going up? I was told I could, is that true in your opinion?