My name is lizzag,i normally have 31-34days cycle which normally comes every month but in last year december my cycle comes in 45days,but b4 my cycle that decemember i did pt it came light line,then after some days i saw my cycle,in january my cycle come in 31days,so i went to my doctor and she prescribe monogynon pills for me to regulate my cycle but i did not finish the active pill just because i have a serious diaharrea and vommiting,so i was rush to the hospital and was treat with some infusions and drip and my cycle comes two days after i left the hospital which now comes in 30days cycle in febuary,after that i had unprotected more during my ovulation period and ever since febuary i have not seen my cycle till now,i did both blood,urine and scan test all come negative and my tommy is coming slowly bigger and sometime i have pregnancy symptoms,what should do