My past 3 periods have been 1-2 weeks early, but the amount of bleeding has been regular throughout the periods. I've been more sexually active than I usually was & I am not on birth control. My last period started 13 days early, that ended a couple of weeks ago, & today I started again 9 days early. The difference about the one I started today is that it's heavier than it's ever been. I've been changing my super/super plus tampon almost every hour which is abnormal, & when I go to change it, it's already bled through the whole tampon including the string & it's even been bleeding through my pants. I'm worried because this has never happened to me before & I don't have a primary care provider at the moment to go to. The blood has darker, almost black, areas that are more solid than the blood itself. I'm having cramping in my lower back & rarely in my uterus, but every time I do cramp I feel nausea. Can someone help me understand what this is?