My sister- in- law, June, had a child, Courtney, who is now 33 years old. She has been on drugs on and off for years. Courtney had a child, Sarina. Courtney was good for about 3 years and then started doing drugs again so June stepped in and has been Sarina’s care giver for the last 6 years. In the meantime, Courtney had two more children, Sophia, now 5 and CJ who is 1. Last December the state took the last 2 children away from her and placed them in foster care. Courtney has bene doing what she is supposed to do by court order. Now comes the problem, Sarina has been under the care of social workers and psychiatrists. Technically, Sarina has never lived with her siblings but has spent time with them before they went into foster care. She does talk about them and misses them. She and June have only seen the two in foster care once. The psychiatrists said Sarina should be seeing them. June said it is hard on her, Sarina and probably Sophia when they meet and then leave. The Foster mother said Sophia does act out for a few hours after visiting with her mother. Courtney and her boyfriend ( the father of the Sophia and CJ) do go to see the kids on supervised visits However, Sarina has little contact with her mother. Sarina’s father has been in jail most of her life.
My question: Is it better for June and Sarina to have visits with Sophia and CJ on a consistent time? Or is it better for June and Sarina to stay out of the kid’s lives?