My son experiences severe painful itching on his palms after taking a bath. So severe he rubs them so hard he removes some of his skin, which I know is due to it being so soft (he just got out of the tub). I know he is in pain because he screams and cries and I can see the distress. It usually lasts for about 10-15 minutes. The only thing I have found that works is by making him run his hands under cool-cold water until the itching stops, ice packs help, but he says that hurts after a while too. This does not happen all the time. It has so far only happened after baths. What could be causing this? I don't believe it to be soaps or any shower products, as we haven't changed them in years. Additionally, sometimes it occurs, not always. So I don't think it's an allergy to his soap (which is Dove Deep Moisture). Any ideas. It's the worst when this happens, he gets extremely upset, I know it's awful for him.