My temperature is 96°, but I am going through periods of being hot and cold. I took ibuprofen but I still feel shaky and slightly disoriented. I have been sick in the last week with some flu-like symptoms. The first day I continuously threw up throughout the day maybe 20+ times and had intense nausea. The second day I had slightly less amounts of nausea and had diarrhea. That continued for a few days (2 or 3) while I developed cold symptoms like headaches, stufffed nose, and coughing. Yesterday my headaches went away a little, but the coughing has gotten worse. I've had coughing fits that feel like they originate in my chest. My throats has become raw, probably from the coughing. All week I have not had a fever to my knowledge, but I finally decided to take my temperature today when I felt sweaty and cold.