My wife has been diagnosed with bacteria pneumonia. She had been bedridden for several days but on Friday, after bouts of diarrhea, she was feeling much better. However, I thought it best to take her to emergency room at Sutter Hospital. After the diagnosis, she was given 3 tablets of Levofloxacin (total of 750 mg) with instruction to take a 750 mg every 24 hours for 5 days. (I have read enough to realize this is common for her condition.) I noticed some regression in her behavior after the pills administered in the hospital - excessive tiredness returned - and she did complain of weird or nasty hallucinations. (What also troubled me was that she told me of experiencing trouble trying to do her hair; lifting her arms was extremely difficult.) However, she took the second pill (750 mg) at 5 pm (24 hours after the first three) and soon thereafter she started to feel stomach discomfort and nausea. Not long after, she vomited (lots). I found her lying on the bathroom floor. I contacted the emergency room - they couldn't help unless I brought her in (it was around 7 pm) - and then an online nurse. But ill as she was, she did not want to go. So we didn't. Today, she has been in bed to now (2:30 pm) and I want her to return to the ER (it is Saturday) but she is afraid they will give her the same medication. Three or four questions then: can we refuse the Levofloxcin and will it be too detrimental to do so? If the ER insists, should we request a lower dosage? And lastly, and most importantly, are there alternatives to Levlfloxcin that she might be given that might work (almost) as well but without the nasty side effects?